Rocky Mountain Restoration

Is That a Light Ahead?

Phantom Canyon Road Tunnel - Victor, CO

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel as we continue to pursue funding of our project?  Yes, I think there is.  Over the past two months, while I have done a terrible job of updating our blog, we have found another sponsor in a solar power company.  EightTwenty Solar has joined the team, designing an off-the-grid solar system for us.  It is scalable and we will have to determine what works for the project as we finalize funding.

But the path and pace we have been using so far has not been as productive as any of us hoped.  It really seems like it’s one step forward and two steps back some days.  We are committed, and know where we want to end up at the end of the funding phase.  Patient does pay off and we have made strides in connecting with potential sponsors to complete our funding.

We have finally found strong leads for multiple contacts with the big three home improvement chains and are working to find contacts that are willing to meet with us and discuss the project.  This is the last hurdle on the funding drive.  If we cannot reach a deal soon, we will pull plan B out of the bag and move forward.  But, as I said in the last blog post, that might mean giving up some creativity in the project. 

We are all working in a determined manner to complete this phase of the project and move into final planning and production.  So, stay tuned as we head into the colorful months of autumn.  The journey continues.